#that's just shooting himself in the foot
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krisingtons · 1 year ago
Gonna go read Quirk Development Theories for the billionth time to cope with recent manga events. TT_TT ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is going to be a moment in the manga when we think that Nighteye's vision has come to pass, but it will *not* actually happen.
That time has come.
Manifesting my version so hard right now.
(I'm glad my fic can help you cope ❤️)
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small-spark-of-light · 5 months ago
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so i came up with a wekiddy au recently!!! Wekiddy Slasher Au!!! perfect for october too :DD
the premise is that: El cool p gets extremely jealous of the rest of the cast because of the attention they get. He starts murdering them so he can have it all to himself
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lacystar · 3 months ago
it wouldn't even matter if he did "shit on you behind your back" when you "never say anything back." the thing it absolutely boils down to is that you knew him when he was a minor and he has come forward saying that because of your influence and power, he felt uncomfortable around you. any POSSIBLE comeback other than an apology ends there. slur or no slur, any other response to that is bad. or, is it just that someone underage you've hurt in the past telling the truth about you only scares you when you know they have the public influence to protect themself?
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rustedleopard · 4 months ago
Hate to be a Debbie Downer but I don't think Chujin would like Ben 10 (or at least not be openly obsessed with it).
I feel like if you told him the premise of the show (A 10-year old human boy gains the power to turn into 10 aliens (which are kinda sorta monsters) and he fights other aliens with this ability), he'd scoff and say "This show is an appeal to humanity's naturally violent tendencies!" and "They're indoctrinating children! Humans find the idea of child soldiers entertaining!" and "This show discriminates against monstrous beings!" and all of these other dramatized nit-picks about it, despite the fact that it's a fictional cartoon whose target demographic is tween boys.
(I just think that all monsters should take human media a bit too seriously in one way or another. IDK if he would actually believe that a human could turn into a bunch of aliens with a wrist watch, but I do think he'd take the premise of "a child fights fantastical battles against aliens" too literally. Kinda like those parents who think their kid playing a video game where you kill fictional monsters is "corrupting the youth.")
Now, if you put an episode of Ben 10 on the TV, I do think he'd stop whatever he's doing to stand behind the couch, arms crossed/in his pockets in that "I am interested in what's going on on the TV but not enough to commit to actually sitting down" sorta way. He'd probably scoff and roll his eyes whenever Ben does something stupid because Ben is a 10 year-old and this boosts his ego a bit because "ha, I'm way smarter than this kid, I could see how that action would go wrong from a mile away. If this is how humans are on the Surface, I'd easily be able to crush them. Especially with my serum and Axis." But the split second you catch him in the act of watching, he pretends that he was looking for something in the room and then walks out.
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bobacupcake · 2 years ago
hello everybody . twitter is limiting you to viewing 600 tweets a day now
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scalproie · 1 year ago
Heichachi: So sad that even tho I love my family I had to put them down for being devils and destined for evil 😔 Alas there was no other way 😔
Jun, kissing Kaz and hugging Jin: Skill issue.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 3 months ago
Aromantic Bill where he WAS lying initially about not being interested in love because he's mad about how many failed relationships he's had. But then he gets into one after a buttload of character development and learning to like, be the bare minimum of a decent person, and it actually ends up semi-okay. The person's nice, and he's actually emotionally mature enough by that point to not completely shoot himself in the foot and/or treat them like absolute dogwater. ...Sure, it'll be a LONG while before he ever gets to that point, but you know. Their first date is actually very nice, and he doesn't even manipulate them or anything! For Bill, that's a huge step forward.
Problem is, he quickly realizes he absolutely hates the concept of dating and romance as a whole and is so goddamn smug when it clicks that he might've been right about love not being real. Suck it, everyone who claimed he was just saying that because he was terrible at keeping relationships!
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cinnama · 3 months ago
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kisuminight · 9 months ago
c!Purpled's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day part 2 (wherein he loses c!Punz a second time)
So after a month and a half of trying to corner Purpled to talk to him, c!Sapnap finally gets some results. Purpled approaches him of his own volition, even, and asks if they can talk.
Of course they can talk. Not here, though. Not is Los Nevadas where they're constantly being watched even when they feel alone. Sapnap loves c!Quackity, but he's also overheard one of the times when c!Slimecicle was reporting to him about Karl. And they've just had a fight recently. So Sapnap doesn't really want to risk the one chance he has to finally get something right for once.
Purpled seems surprised that Sapnap doesn't want to have their conversation in Los Nevadas, and even a little... pleased? Maybe Sapnap's wrong--Purpled is hard to read and also a bit mercurial in the way all teenagers tend to be. He says that he knows a place, and asks Sapnap to meet him on the edge of Los Nevadas in about 20 minutes.
Okay, go time. Sapnap switches Punz's core crystal from his enderchest into his hotbar, and heads out to find Purpled's meeting spot. From there, Purpled directs them both out into the desert a ways.
They stop at a small platform made of sand. There's a one-block wall of three terracotta blocks in a row, and a single block of sand in the center that Purpled breaks to reveal a trap door. A secret base? But the platform and the wall, the way it's built up away from the rest of Las Nevadas artificial desert--it reminds Sapnap of a stage.
But they're alone here; the walk would have revealed Slime if he was following them. So it's safe to talk, even if they aren't in whatever Purpled's secret base is, just yet.
Sapnap climbs onto the platform and approaches Purpled. He's got his back facing to Sapnap, and seems to be fiddling with some mechanism attached to the trap door. "So, about Punz...."
And that's when Purpled whips around and tosses two splash potions right into Sapnap. Sapnap stumbles back, feels the way the heavy press of Weakness drags his body out of position, the stagger from bones grown too-heavy winds him and chokes off the rest of his sentence. Attempting to correct feels like wading through honey, Slow and sticky and resistant.
"Of course you know all about Punz," Purpled hisses, and goes at Sapnap with a sword. Sapnap only barely manages to swap his own sword out of inventory to try and counter. "Come to gloat?"
Oh, he thinks that I'm going to blackmail him with Punz's core crystal.
"Wait! I came to--" but Purpled is pushing Sapnap too hard; the weakness potion combined with Purpled's own skill cutting off all attempts at conversation. Purpled is controlling the flow of battle. He swings out around Sapanp, forcing him to pivot, and then begins to force Sapnap back towards the trap door. An actual trap then, and not a secret base.
But even though Purpled could be doing a lot of damage, he's not. Sapnap is Slow and Weak and he's not even wearing armor. Purpled has a Netherite sword (it's Punz's sword, the one Sapnap watched him painstakingly remake after Doomsday. The one that Punz didn't drop, when he returned to his core crystal) and he's a good fighter (he fights like Punz did). Sapnap isn't dead because Purpled doesn't want him dead. He's barely even burned, because Purpled clearly has a tight control of the Flame Aspect II enchantment, enough to leave scorching lines without outright setting Sapnap on fire.
So Sapnap takes a chance.
"Wait!" Sapnap staggers back from the next sword blow without even trying to dodge or block. His sword is out of his hands as he switches hotbar inventory slots. An indigo core crystal replaces it.
Purpled's expression goes from anger to pure, boiling fury in an instant. "Drop him. Drop him right now!" Purpled lunges. He hasn't put his sword away yet, and it's leading point-first, tip headed straight towards Sapnap's heart.
Sapnap takes another step back, feels the footing change from sand to the wood of the trap door. Hears the pop of lava underneath, and the soft "click" as something gives. One moment he's fine, and the next he's off balance, empty air where solid footing had been. Sapnap drops the core crystal. Worried that it might fall into the lava, too, he fumbles to catch it.
There's a hand in his, and then Punz is hauling Sapnap back onto the sand. He looks almost the same, except he's missing his usual hoodie. The aether lines flicker down his arms, bright and pulsing.
Purpled screams wordless grief.
"Sapnap!" Quackity is there, with a crossbow and Slimecicle and then Punz is moving.
Purpled is not having a good day. At first, it seems like his plan is working fine. But it turns out the reason Sapnap wants to talk to him is about Punz, Punz who is lost who-knows-where out in the wilderness of the server, Punz who is probably already in the Eggpire's hands, and Purpled feels his whole mood sour.
It doesn't help that Sapnap is clearly trying to talk him out of this. Wait? Sapnap's not his friend. And he's done enough waiting--Quackity will get what's coming to him and when he does, Purpled might consider the debt books to be balanced.
Not likely. After all, in addition to getting Purpled killed and getting Punz lost, Quackity never bothered to pay Purpled's mission fee and isn't paying enough now, for Purpled's presence in Los Nevadas. If Purpled wasn't here for revenge, he'd have left long ago.
And then it's Punz's core crystal in Sapnap's hands, like Sapnap if fucking taunting him, and Sapnap didn't fucking listen and the fucking trapdoor gives way and--
And Punz is there. But Purpled doesn't feel any different.
Quackity's caught up to them, a bit ahead of schedule, with his pet Blade at his heels, as if Blades weren't their own fucking people. And Purpled may have started this while the sun was blazing hot with not a cloud in the sky (can't do damage as a lightning Blade if there's no storm to Channel, can you?), but Quackity has a crossbow and his aim isn't actually terrible.
There's an arm around Purpled's shoulders, and Purpled leans into the motion into the touch and grab and move the way he's done since he was small, and this little trick ended with him balanced on Punz's hip instead of deposited gently behind him as he cut the arrow out of the air.
"That's enough," says Punz, as if he didn't just perform one of the moves he's been using to protect Purpled just the same as he did a decade ago.
But Punz stopped being Purpled's Blade the moment he died. Purpled is still cold, a yawning absence in his heart.
"No one is fighting anyone," Punz says, in the tone that sounds reasonable but means he's angry and about a step back and to the side from resorting to magic to end the conversation.
The conversation that Purpled missed. Is missing. Its unprofessional, and Punz is going to scold him the second they're alone again.
He won't. Because "alone" is no longer Purpled-and-Punz. He's just Purpled, and Punz is out of his reach.
Purpled has played Bedwars enough that the towering is instinctual. He knows how to speed bridge, but the ender pearls in his inventory are a much safer alternative. After all, Purpled knows better than anyone exactly how dangerous Punz is, how quick to react and the lengths of his range.
The harming potion in his hotbar is almost an accusation. But they're brewed for Players, not Blades. Just one won't be enough to beat a Blade's regen. And even if he tossed it at Sapnap, new Blades are protective.
Punz would block it, and go down screaming (did he scream, when the Resonance snapped? The way Purpled did, before the UFO went to pieces around him, and him with it?) and come back mad enough to shred his enemy (what would that protectiveness look like, on the other side of Punz's gaze? Purpled can only imagine it as he always sees it, staring at the way Punz's shoulders set into a positional that heralds lethal anticipation).
So this time it failed. So what. It was fine. Purpled would just need to think of a different plan.
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kkoct-ik · 6 months ago
drafting a masterpost about my sou hiyori did headcanon and i cant wait for 3-2 to come out when im halfway through writing it and completely discredit all my conclusions
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obitv · 1 year ago
sorry. disorder where i think about him daily
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the-acid-pear · 11 months ago
Btw opened a random save and landed on my evil one (i know this because i always did evil routes under the name Matpat!) and i was talking to Jake and told him to raise Matt's salary and i'll have to check if this is a Him thing or not but man OUTRIGHT REFUSED. LIKE OKAY. FUCKED UP!
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simplybuckley · 2 years ago
I wanna write a Wesper AU at some point where Wylan is a healer and works for the crows in that way as well as demo and all, and the crows often come to him when hurt. However, Jesper comes to see him most of all, and Wylan starts to get this sneaking suspicion that Jesper is purposely getting shot just so he has an excuse to see Wylan (and have his hands touching him and fixing him and-)
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clown-demon · 2 years ago
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"Law-kun is TOTALLY my type~~~! I KNEW we were a match~!"
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bugflies00 · 2 years ago
tommy's new merch comes out early-mid may and he has been "working with women to make it good"!
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gingerteaonthetardis · 2 years ago
does he even know that if he'd just let them kiss four seasons in he could've spent more energy writing about actual aliens and ghosts and less writing about How Much They Don't Want To Kiss They Don't I Swear They Really Don't on the xfiles. does he know
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